What Payment Gateways Can I Use

Currently, the WP Video Memberships plugin allows you to accept payments through your Stripe and / or PayPal account. You can also accept Cryptocurrency payments via Coinbase or CoinGate

  • Stripe (Credit Card Payments)
  • PayPal Business (or higher)
  • Coinbase (Accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and USD Coin)
  • CoinGate (Accept Bitcoin, Litecoin and Altcoins)

Can I use another Membership plugin with the VS Netflix Theme?

You are welcome to use another Membership plugin with the VS Netflix Theme. However, there are a couple things to consider:

  1. Our WP Video Memberships plugin integrates with the VS Netflix Theme in a specific way which allows visitors to browse video pages, but not watch a video unless they have access. If you were to use a different membership plugin, most likely visitors would be restricted from the entire page, rather than just the video. See Example
  2. The design and layout of another membership plugin may not match our theme. However, this can be fixed with some custom CSS.
Web3 Access MetaMask Plugin for WordPress

Need a way to restrict WordPress content with Web3?

Accept cryptocurrency payments via MetaMask and web3 browser wallets using the Web3 Access plugin. The Web3 Access WordPress plugin allows you to restrict WordPress content that can only be accessed by web3 visitors by making a payment via their browser wallet, or verify they own certain NFTs or tokens.

*This is a promotion for a separate product and is not included in WP Video Subscription products.

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